Volunteer Groups : Group Leaders 2022年01月


我是一名業務發展顧問,在生命科學業界,促成跨境B2B商業交易。在這之前, 我在跨國公司服務超過廿五年。我的職業生涯至今,有機會遇見來自世界各地的同事、客戶和商業伙伴且一同合作,他們每一個都為自己的文化和語言而感到自豪。我身為香港人, 理所當然地為東方之珠的獨有文化和源遠流長的文字和語言引以為傲。因此我覺得有負擔為有興趣人仕,不論年紀、地點和母語,提供學習者導向的平台,學習正體中文和廣東話。

I am a business development consultant facilitating cross-border B2B business transactions in the life science industry after working in a multinational corporation for over 25 years. In my career, I have the opportunity to meet and work with colleagues, clients and business partners from different nations all over the world. Each of them is proud of his/her own culture and language. Being a Hongkonger, I naturally take great pride in the unique culture as well as long-standing written and spoken Chinese languages of the Pearl of the Orient. I therefore feel compelled to offer a learner-oriented platform to those interested to learn Traditional Chinese characters and Cantonese regardless of age, location and mother tongue.