簡介及免責聲明 Introduction and Disclaimer 2022年01月


本版免費開放,給予正體中文及廣東話教學雙方使用,廣邀世界各地以任何語言教授華粵的老師,於此版宣傳自己及發佈聯繫方式,直接與學生連繫及收費。欲申請使用這項免費宣傳服務的老師,必須先細閱並同意此簡介及聲明,然後填妥下表https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1y3qus-Jn210MPXCz6L4lveRw9nUDifso5yJuGV3yppg/edit,登記個人資料以供組織保存查核,本會只公開獲老師授權向公眾發放的資料。惟組織資源有限,可能只發放老師相關資訊連結,讓學生自行查閱及聯絡, 本組織不提供任何教學雙方之查詢或轉介。開放網站,純為免費服務,不收任何中介費或網站宣傳費。於此版發佈資料的教師,其教學及宣傳必須為教授正體或廣東話,並以其個人身份宣傳及收生,教學雙方一切責任自負,所有瓜葛概與本組織無關,本組織不承擔任何責任。惟組織及網站運作需要費用,歡迎捐助,若有捐贈,請電郵 icac.npo@gmail.com 索取戶口號碼。

Introduction and Disclaimer

This Corner is open for free to all students and teachers who speak any languages and want to learn or teach Traditional Chinese or Cantonese. For teachers who want to post their teaching information here, please read this introduction and disclaimer before you fill in the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1y3qus-Jn210MPXCz6L4lveRw9nUDifso5yJuGV3yppg/edit for registration. Only those information authorized in the form will only be disclosed to the public. Teachers can decide what to post in this Corner to promote themselves, after they are vetted to match with our purpose and mission. However, as our resources are limited, we might only post teachers’ links for the public to contact them directly.Only those who are teaching or ready to teach Traditional Chinese or Cantonese can post here for free. Students can send their enquiries to teachers directly with the teachers’ contact information or links posted here. No enquiries or requests concerning individual teachers or students should be sent to ICAC. ICAC has no obligation to respond. This Corner is open for teachers and students to use without any fee. We do not promote any teachers who are listed here, or their teaching. ICAC neither plays the role of an agent nor charges any fee from any teachers or students. So, all teachers and students are to be held accountable for any legal consequences in case of any conflict between them. Any liabilities caused by either side or both sides of teachers and students will not be borne by ICAC. As ICAC is a nonprofit organization that needs financial support from people who share our purpose and mission to operate and maintain this website in the long run, donations are welcome. Please email to icac.npo@gmail.com for bank account information.

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