教師 Kristy 2022年01月

大家好! 我喺Kristy 老師,我喺土生土長嘅香港人。 我移民美國十幾年,但仍心繫香港,希望為傳承廣東話出一分力。

我依家喺德州一所本地非牟利中文學校教授廣東話,亦喺德州中文教師學會會員。 我一直熱忱教學工作,疫情期間,中文學校轉為網課,同時我亦開放私人粵語班。

最近,我開設咗初心童書館網上書店及成立廣東話讀書會, 目的是為美國香港家庭提供一個平台購買港台繁體中文童書,鼓勵親子閱讀學習廣東話。 大家有興趣學習廣東話,歡迎聯絡我。

Hi! I’m Kristy Wong. I am a native HongKonger. I moved to the States in 2004 and lived in California. Currently I am a Cantonese Teacher in Merit Chinese School in Texas. I am a member of Chinese Language Teachers Association of Texas. I have experience in teaching kindergarten, elementary school kids and teenagers. I love to teach young kids and teenagers. I volunteered to teach Cantonese in local elementary school in Denton, TX when I was the president of Hong Kong Student Association back in the college time. During the pandemic, I started to teach Cantonese online classes. Recently I also established a Cantonese Book Club and an online bookstore promoting Cantonese Story reading in traditional Chinese. My goal focus on preserving Cantonese and Hong Kong Culture core value. 



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